Our Range of Services Include:


Root Canal Treatment

When an injury or disease of a tooth involves the nerve tissue, root canal treatment is necessary to save the tooth. Root canal treatment is the process of removing the inflamed or infected nerve tissue, cleaning the root canal space and sealing it. This will enable the tooth to return to normal function.


Root canal treatment process:

During the first visit:

  • The tooth area is first numbed to ensure your comfort.
  • The tooth is then isolated from saliva with a dental dam (small sheet of rubber). This prevents bacteria from the saliva from entering the root canal.
  • Access to the root canal space is achieved through an opening in the crown.
  • The root canal space is cleaned with fine files and disinfecting irrigants.
  • Antibacterial medication is placed within the root canal system and a temporary filling placed in the access cavity.


During the second visit:
  • The temporary filling is removed and root canal checked.
  • The root canals are filled with a rubber base filling material coated with a sealer material.
  • A filling is placed to protect the root canals.


Sometimes, a tooth that has been root-filled becomes reinfected for various reasons or does not heal properly. Re-treatment gives the tooth a second chance to be saved. In this procedure, the old root filling material is removed and the root canal system re-cleaned.


Re-treatment process:
  • The procedure is similar to root canal treatment except that it involves the removal of the old root filling material prior to the cleaning of the root canal space.


This is a micro-surgical procedure to retreat a tooth that cannot be retreated through the tooth. This might be due to obstructions in the root canal system or the presence of external causes.


Apicectomy process:
  • The area around the tooth is numbed.
  • A flap is raised (gum tissue around the tooth) to access the tip of the root.
  • Bone around the tip of the root is removed and the soft tissue lesion removed.
  • The root tip is sectioned off as this is the area where there are many tiny canal branches which could harbour bacteria.
  • The root end is then prepared to receive a filling.
  • The flap is then replaced and sutures placed. Sutures are usually removed after a week.


Dental Trauma

Injuries to teeth often involves the nerve tissue. In a young patient, it is important to try and keep the tooth for as long as possible to avoid complications with eruption of the adult teeth and growth of the jaw. It also allows for replacement options not available in the growing phase.


Dental trauma process:
  • Depending on what the injury is, the tooth might need to be splinted for a period of time and root canal treatment might or might not be required.




If you want to find out more about what we offer, or have a question of how we may be able to 
help your individual situation, get in touch.


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